Results for: precision

Where is the ruler in Concepts? How do I measure things?

Where is the ruler in Concepts? How do I measure things?


How to Edit Your Grid

Learn how to set up and customize your grids in Concepts.


How to Edit Your Grid

Learn how to set up and customize your grids in Concepts.


Scale and Measurement in Concepts

How to apply accurate scale and measurements to your drawings and plans.


How do I use the shape guides?

How do I use the shape guides?


I want to import a PDF and create drawings with the same scale as the plan. How do I do this?

I want to import a PDF and create drawings with the same scale as the plan.


How to Design in Concepts

Get started using Concepts' Shape Guides, Snap, Selection and Layers as you


Scale and Measurement in Concepts

How to apply accurate scale and measurements to your drawings and plans.


Precision Tools

Using grids, measurement, scale and shape guides in Concepts.


Precision Tools

Using grids, measurement, scale and shape guides in Concepts.


3 Ways to Draw a Straight Line

Three ways to draw a straight line in Concepts and when to sketch it.


3 Ways to Draw a Straight Line

Three ways to draw a straight line in Concepts and when to sketch it.


How do I mask a color block?

How do I mask a color block?


How to Design in Concepts

Get started using Concepts' Shape Guides, Snap, Selection and Layers as you


How do I set the exact length of a stroke?

How do I set the exact length of a stroke?


How do I save a measurement to my drawing?

How do I save a measurement to my drawing?


Architectural Design Series

Learn architectural design sketching on your iPad with award-winning Archit

learn to draw

Architectural Design Series

Learn architectural design sketching on your iPad with award-winning Archit

learn to draw

How do I set an offset between two strokes?

How do I set an offset between two strokes?
